
In case you are still recovering from your turkey hangover and want to delay work for a few minutes longer, I thought I would share some ramblings from my holiday weekend.

While I was home in Wisconsin, a story caught… Continue reading

IMG00014-20110407-1501On Charlie’s fifth birthday, I thought I would share with you four rules he lives by because they’re also good career advice:

1.      Know your strengths: Charlie doesn’t hunt, gather, retrieve, guard, roll over …… Continue reading

I still remember one of the early lessons I learned in my first journalism class at the University of Missouri on how to write a compelling story: Don’t just tell them, show them. In other words, don’t just say your… Continue reading

True AND Believable

When I conduct media training or give a speech on the subject, one of the first things I tell people is that your message must not only be true, it should also be believable. It may seem… Continue reading