(Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? If I knew that sort of thing was frowned upon… George Costanza, Seinfeld)

 This Q&A is based on a few basic media tips and how we break them every day. Twice a month, Was That Wrong Wednesday (WTWW) will have a different person answering. Our first guest is Sen. Damon Thayer, majority floor leader for the Kentucky State Senate.

Rule No. 1: Be responsive. Sen Damon Thayer photo

If my doctor calls while I’m watching Scandal, I would definitely let it go to voicemail.


Rule No. 2: Be consistent and stay on message.  

I don’t like tomatoes, but I love ketchup. I don’t like watermelons, but I LOVE watermelon-flavored Jolly Ranchers!!

I’m not a fan of John McCain.  But I did vote for him for president in 2008. 


Rule No. 3: It not only has to be true. It has to be believable.  

When I was 16, I was fired from the first job I ever had as an all-around errand boy at my local corner market in northern Michigan. My offense? I took the weekend off at the last-minute to go to Kentucky with friends to visit horse farms. 

I recovered quickly, however.  Soon I had a weekend day job flipping burgers at the local McDonald’s. It’s still my favorite fast-food chain. 

Oh, I had a night job, too:  spinning records (yes, the vinyl kind) as a disc jockey every Saturday night on WQON-FM at age 16. Probably explains why I still prefer music from the ’70s and ’80s.  I played all those songs on the radio.

True but might not be believable.

Click here for the first WTWW entry.