(Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? If I knew that sort of thing was frowned upon… George Costanza, Seinfeld)WTWW Marian Guinn headshot

This Q&A is based on a few basic media tips and how we break them every day. Twice a month, Was That Wrong Wednesday (WTWW) will have a different person answering.

Our guest today is Marian Guinn, CEO of God’s Pantry Food Bank.

Rule No. 1: Be responsive.

If my mom/doctor/pastor/boss calls while I’m watching The Walking Dead or Downton Abbey, I would definitely let it go to voicemail.  

Rule No. 2: Be consistent and stay on message.  

I was raised not having pets in the house. I never much cared for dogs, having been nipped a few times as a child riding my bike or playing with friends, and I didn’t understand people who remodeled their homes, landscaped their yards or chose their cars based upon their pet. Then in my 40s, I fell in love with a wonderful man committed to his 75-pound black lab. We married, and I can now admit we have done all of these things.

Rule No. 3: It not only has to be true. It has to be believable.  

Eighteen months ago, I placed ninth in my division of a triathlon — pretty terrific, especially for my first entry.  OK, it was an Outdoorsman Tri – 5 miles in a canoe, 6 miles run/walk, 18 miles cycling entered as a team with my husband.  It was truly an incredible test of our strength, endurance and relationship. The weather was rainy and cold — daytime high of 40 degrees — especially cold after I tipped our canoe, and we spent what seemed like 30 minutes in the river trying to right the canoe. We were just happy to finish all three legs.  A month later, I was on the website of the event and was shocked to find we placed in the top 10 of our division!

Click here for the first WTWW entry.